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IconNMR Automation Run Status:
Day Experiments: 00:00
Busy Until: Fri 16:52
Night Experiments: 07:48

Setup List
Holder Status Name ExpNo Experiment User Time Title
15 Completed 20240426 Pellet from PEG-CB7 precip 10 N PROTONRO 1H exp. with spinning ahansris 00:05:38 20240426 Pellet from PEG-CB7 precip
23 Submitted SM-II-3 20 N C13CPD 13C experiment with decoupling, 1024 scans, 235 ppm smarrujo 03:54:07
24 Submitted SM-II-4 10 N C13CPD 13C experiment with decoupling, 1024 scans, 235 ppm smarrujo 03:54:07