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MNova Lite is available for all Notre Dame users as a part of Notre Dame subscription to ChemDraw Office. Please, follow the instructions below to obtain your MNova Lite. <html><hr></html>
Mestrelabs MNova Lite
MestReNova-Lite CDE_Manual.pdf
NOTE: If you do not have ChemOffice (or ChemDraw) yet, we highly recommend you to obtain one because MNova is able to use molecular structures made in ChemOffice and ChemDraw for prediction of NMR spectra. To obtain ChemOffice go to Obtain ChemOffice from Perkin-Elmer.
and put it in your DockEnter your email and license ID
You must restart for changes to make effect
NOTE: Shortly after activation you will receive an email from Mestrelabs directed to the Notre Dame software licensing department (CC-ed to you) informing them that your computer activated MNova Lite with the Notre Dame campus license. No action is needed, this is only for your information.