Required basic EPR training for new users of the MRRC

Welcome to the Magnetic Resonance Research Center at the University of Notre Dame. To obtain access to our instruments, you should thoroughly review the resources listed below and pass two short quizzes. One quiz will be online focused on safety and general regulations in the MRRC instrument rooms. The second quiz will be administered by the NMR Director and will focus specifically on safety and details of room-temperature EPR operation.

NOTE: If you are already an established NMR user, you do NOT need to pass the online quiz again. Please, proceed to “EPR Training 2” and contact Dr. Kovrigin for the quiz when you are ready.

EPR Training 1: Safety and Scheduling of the Instrument Time

View all videos on this page regarding safety and rules in NMR rooms and take notes. The videos mention NMR samples and instruments but all safety regulations are fully applied to the EPR users:

EPR Training 2: EPR Instrument Safety and Operation

View all videos on this page and download the software manual and the workflow handout:

NOTE: Cryogenic EPR training is performed in-person with all of the above as prerequisites.

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